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Lazy Lunches

We are busy this week! Halloween is this weekend (I better finish those costumes) and after that it's C's birthday, then Thanksgiving and Christmas. I feel like the season is taking off without me. Trying to prep for all that, along with the fact that I've had lots of visits recently has made life a little crazy. Also, C is learning to walk. He's not quite there yet, but he's working on it. Right now he's all about standing without pulling himself up on anything. He thinks that this is just about the greatest thing ever (so do I). He stands up and then claps. Then surprises himself and falls down. It's awesome.

Standing baby!

I love our Plan Toys walker

Monday morning we were both super sleepy from the weekend. I pressed pause on everything and spent Monday morning wandering around the house with Connor, enjoying each tentative step. I have to remind myself to take those paused moments and enjoy them, because, after all, that's the whole point. Lunch time came before I knew it and I realized I hadn't adulted at all. I hadn't cooked, hadn't been shopping, and it was already almost past time for lunch. C is on a 9am and 1pm nap schedule and right now that's working really well for us. I hate to push it on days that I don't have to. I quickly pulled together the most awesome lazy lunch ever. This has 4 ingredients and takes 15 minutes to make, but is so yummy that you will probably end up eating most of the bowl yourself. It's straight up fall comfort food.

I'm going to be honest with you, we had a really lazy Monday and ate this for dinner too. It was perfect.

C was too focused on how yummy it was to look up

Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese

1/2 box pasta (I used gluten free Barilla)

1/2 package shredded monterey jack cheese (about 3/4 cup)

1/2 bag frozen organic peas

1 cup butternut squash (roasted and pureed is great if you have some in your freezer already, but if not I like Cascadian Farm Organic)

1. Cook pasta

2. Transfer hot pasta to a big bowl and throw the cheese on top

3. While cheese and pasta sit, heat squash in pasta pan

4. Stir squash, pasta, and cheese together

5. Splash a little water in the bottom of the pan and throw in the frozen peas, heat on high for a few minutes until they are done but not mushy

6. Stir peas into pasta mixture

Stay tuned for more fall recipes coming this week!

Stay tuned for other fall recipies later this week.







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